I'm back in Edinburg for almost a month, due to my first semester at UT Austin being over and everyone going home for Winter Break.
My younger brother is currently a freshman at the high school I just graduated from, and they don't get out for Winter Break until tomorrow. So, today I decided to go and visit some of the high school teachers that impacted my life the most during my high school career.
Almost every teacher I've had has impacted me in some way. But, there's always those special teachers that you form a bond with, that you get close to, and that truly influence your life.
Throughout high school, I had five teachers that have really stood out for me, that have pushed me the hardest, and that taught me more than just their given subject.
Mr. Guerra was my AP Chemistry teacher my senior year. He gave me a reality check. I slacked off my senior year because I was ready to graduate, and I just didn't care as much as I should have. I was involved in so many organizations, and I focused on them instead of my education. But, I really needed to pass this AP Chemistry class in order to graduate. I was used to minimal work and As. I expected to pass all of my classes without having to study as much. Then, I took this class with Mr. Guerra, and he was no nonsense. I was failing miserably. He helped me realize that things aren't always going to be handed to you, and that you need to do work on your own in order to truly understand concepts. Although his class was difficult, he was a great teacher. I could easily talk to him about anything. He told us about his experiences in college and urged us to take our college education seriously. He gave great advice, and even asked us for advice at times. I learned so many life lessons from Mr. Guerra. He was truly one of the most amazing teachers I've ever had.
I had Mrs. Rios as a teacher for two years. She was my AP English Language and AP English Literature teacher. I began my sophomore year with another English teacher, but I didn't like the class. I heard about Mrs. Rios and how great of a teacher she was, so I asked my counselor if she could place me in her class. So, about two weeks in to my Sophomore year, I started Mrs. Rios' class. It was amazing. I developed a love for writing and for English. She made writing interesting. She helped me fine tune my writing skills. The books she assigned for us to read were actually enjoyable, and she gave us the opportunity to think in different ways. She treated each of her students like she would a son or daughter, and she wanted to see all of us succeed. She has been the nicest teacher I've ever had, and she was hilarious. I loved hearing her stories. I had her for first period for two years, and going to her class always made me happy. She has done so much for me (she wrote multiple recommendation letters for me), and because of her I'm where I am today.
Mrs. Avila was my Senior Class sponsor. I was Senior Class President, so I had the chance to interact with Mrs. Avila a lot. My junior year, when I first gained interest in becoming Senior Class President, I learned that she would no longer be the sponsor my senior year. I begged her to do it, even though she had no idea who I was. She eventually decided that she would sponsor the organization for one more year. Mrs. Avila brought out the leader in me. I had a lot to prove to her. I felt like I couldn't let her down. I was constantly in her classroom working on things for Senior Class. She put so much work into making it a great year for our class. Because of her, my senior year was one to remember. She fully supported any of the ideas our officer team had, and she did everything in her power to make them happen. She was a great teacher, regardless of the fact that I was not registered in her class. She helped me accomplish so much. She always pushed me to do better than I thought I could do. Because of her, our senior class made the most money, had the biggest end of the year celebration, and we were able to do more than any other class had done.
Mrs. Wilke was my Business Professionals of America (BPA) sponsor my senior year. After my original BPA sponsor closed her chapter going into my senior year, I decided to join Mrs. Wilke's. I was a State Officer for BPA throughout my senior year, and Mrs. Wilke ensured that I was the best officer I could be. She pushed me to succeed in my individual competition, and was not satisfied with the minimum. She made me focus on my project and ensure that it was Nationals material. (BPA is a competition based organization that has regional, state, and national conferences, or competitions, and you can advance to each conference depending on how you do in your events.) Because of her constantly pushing me, I was able to make it to Nationals for the first time. I was able to visit Walt Disney World for the first time with the organization that has made a great impact on my life. Mrs. Wilke ensured that we made the most of it. She was strict, but kind. Although we clashed at times, I knew that she was pushing me in order for me to do my best. I got to know her on a personal level when we went to Nationals, and she was truly inspiring.
My freshman year of high school, I joined Business Professionals of America by chance. My sister was going to one of the meetings so I decided to tag along, and I loved it. That's where I met Mrs. Chen. She was my sponsor from my freshman year up until the end of my junior year. But, she was much more than just a sponsor. She was, and still is, like a mother to me (literally, we called her Momma Chen). She brought out everything in me. She believed in me. She pushed me. She got mad at me. She wanted me to truly succeed. She listened to me when I had problems, and helped me through them. She watched me grow throughout my four years of high school. She saw when I was at my low points, and was there for me. She saw when I was at my high points, and ensured my head didn't get too big. She kept me grounded. She did so many things for me. She helped me get out of my shell. She has truly been the most impactful teacher I have ever had. My senior year, although she was no longer my sponsor, she was my BIM II teacher. She continued to be there for me. I loved spending my free time in her classroom, and talking to her. She is like my second mother, and I love her like one.
Throughout our lives, we will encounter certain teachers that truly make a difference in our lives. I'm glad that I've been blessed with these five teachers that have pushed me the hardest and made a significant positive impact on my life.
I urge for everyone to go back and visit their teachers, if they can. If not, at least send them an email to thank them for what they've done for you. I promise they will be beyond appreciative. Sometimes they have no idea how much of an impact they have on your life, unless you tell them. And, if they have made that much of a difference, they deserve to know.
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